Tuesday, September 29, 2015

No two ways about it...

 Two years of cancer treatments down... less than two years to go, and no two ways about it... Caleb refuses to let leukemia slow him down! 
We got surprising news at Texas Children's Hospital yesterday!  Even though Caleb's chemo dosage was increased last month, his numbers shot even higher this month.  (not good).  There's no reasoning behind it, but his chemotherapy must be adjusted to make up for it, so now, he's on a MUCH higher dose.
While it took a few weeks for Caleb to adjust last time, we know he'll do the same this time! He had to come home early from school today after feeling really weak.  

Now Caleb is up to 17 pills at a time.  That's tough for him to swallow.  Can't wait 'til Cal's bedtime routine only consists of brushing teeth and snuggling up with a good book!

I woke up to an interesting sticky note from Caleb this morn.  He watches me do a lot of social media for my job, so he left me an idea for the most unusual hashtag ever.  He thought this would be interesting to "tweet"!  :) 

I don't think he was thrilled when he wrote it, thus the messy writing, but Caleb wants to invent a GOOD TASTING liquid medicine, to help other kids fighting cancer, too.  That sure would be a blessing!  Who knows... maybe drug makers would "take note" of his hashtag? 
 Besides good humor, Caleb is quite the adventurous little boy!  On September 13th, we celebrated his life, since that's the date he was diagnosed two years ago.  He wanted to try indoor skydiving.  With special directions to his "air instructor" to help protect his port, we agreed to let him do it.  

Caleb's the lil' guy in blue.  :-)  He loved it!
There's also a new pizza restaurant that offers a make-your-own-pie concept - and they have options for food allergy sufferers.  This is the first time Caleb has eaten pizza out in years.  His face tells it all.  What a fun way to celebrate all he has overcome the past two years.
Caleb found the strength to zip line with his buddies! (Thanks to the Mize's for the opportunity!)
Yes!  That's Caleb on the top beam, about to swing down.  There is no slowing him down! 

 Did I mention mechanical bull-riding? 
Yes, he tried that, too! 

Caleb loves playing Fall baseball!  He has a great team, and it's a lot of fun for his Daddy to be the coach!  He's very disappointed to miss his game tonight, but he has done well so far, and gotten runs every time he's up to bat this season!  We are so happy to see cooler temperatures heading to Houston, as it almost broke my heart to find him lying under the bench at his last game, after his body overheated.

 We believe Caleb's faith is what keeps him going so strong!  His prayer warriors are playing a huge role in his quality of life.  He entered some of his artwork in Texas Children's art contest for the Periwinkle Foundation.  His love of God shines through for everyone walking down the halls of the hospital to witness.

The third floor bridge of Texas Children's Hospital is filled with special art from patients and their siblings!
Caleb submitted the painting above him - with the cross in front of a sunset.  He told me he wants people to realize that God sent him on a different path than most kids, but a lot of good has come out of his leukemia.
Zachary chose to paint something with lots of meaning for the Periwinkle Foundation.  He says, "Just like bees & butterflies pollinate flowers to keep them growing, chemo - the color of periwinkle flowers - helps keep my brother alive".
Another special donation in Caleb's name this week... as well as another leukemia fighter, Peyton.  Caleb's school mate, Ben Mize, is still making his Soshen (soap plus lotion products) and donating some of the proceeds for leukemia research to Tx Children's.  He donated more per bottle this month, since it's Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.  sosheninc.com is his online store.  We will feature the story of Ben's loving heart and supportive family on FOX26 on Wednesday morning at 9am.

Seems like it takes a village to get through childhood cancer, and we sure love ours.  God bless you each and every day and for every time you add our child to your prayers. 


  1. May God wrap you, Caleb, David and Zachary in his loving arms and keep you all healthy and strong. Hugs and Kisses!

  2. Caleb, your strength, attitude, resilience, and courage are paralleled to none!!!!!!!!! What a warrior!!!!! What a testimony!!!!! Fight hard little guy!!!!! Your prayer warriors are on the job!!!!! We love you!!!!

  3. I do understand Pills are hard to take yuk at times. Caleb you are very strong and you have a wonderful family and a strong army standing with you. What a fighter you are. Looks like a blast you were having. I read and see the pics you appreciate life and family and of course fun. Love to the whole family. You will survive this STAY STRONG.
